After the course…stories from participants
People write to me after weeks, months and years about the course….
January 2025
Hi John,
Happy New Year!
I’m not sure if you remember me, but I attended your course in 2022.
Recently, I took part in a “Presenting with Impact” course, and while sharing recommendations, your public speaking course naturally came to mind. It made me realize that for the past two years, your course has been the foundation of my journey toward becoming more confident in speaking.
Since 2021, I’ve immersed myself in learning everything I can about public speaking—through work, books, and practice. While all of these have contributed, I can confidently say your course was the turning point that changed not only how I speak but also how I approach life.
I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your teachings and support. I feel so much more confident in social interactions and meeting new people, with far less anxiety. The practical techniques and insights you provided remain unmatched, even compared to more recent courses I’ve taken.
Your course has made such a significant impact on me, and I continue to recommend it wholeheartedly to others. If there’s ever anything I can do for you, please let me know.
Wishing you an incredible 2025
Hey John,
Happy New Year!!
Just want to shoot you a quick note that I was able to confidently show up and give a chat as the best man at my friend's wedding rehearsal dinner.
Although it was only 40-odd people, I was able to use the techniques we covered to unhook and create some more distance with some of my old, persistent thoughts of failing and being judged!
It was uncomfortable- but realizing that was normal and not fighting it helped tremendously.
Thanks again for an amazing course that has truly changed my life!!
November 2024
Hi John,
I just wanted to let you know I did it!
I presented on stage to 350 people last week. And it was absolutely fine.
Not sure I would go as far as saying I enjoyed it, but I think with a bit more practice I might.
Thank you so much for your course and everything it taught me!
Many thanks
Good evening John,
Today I led a presentation at work for just over an hour to around 100 people.
Couldn't have done it without you.
Best regards,
April 2024
Morning John,
Hope you are well? I am Not sure if you will remember me, but I attended your course in London just over a year ago now. If I look back at some of the events of my life since attending your course, birth of my first child, buying my first house, redundancy after.a decade and interviewing and gaining a new role, your course and advice is something I constantly refer back to. It has carried me through the interview process and the various events, 'assume support', 'breathe', 'not to fear blank faces' and 'speak from the heart'.
Yesterday I said goodbye to my father, after a long battle with his health, and spoke in front of everyone at his funeral. I honestly do not think this would have been possible before your course and would not have had the confidence to do so.
I really did not know what to expect walking through the door on the 1st day in London on 'Taking Your Place in the World', but I am glad I did!
So thank you once again and hopefully I can find some time to join you again!
Feb 2024
Dec 2023
November 2023
October 2023
July 2023
Dear John,
I read the poem at the funeral today for a person I am deeply missing. It really got to me. However, your training won the day and if I don't mind saying myself, it all went very well, speaking into a microphone too!!
During the weeks leading up to the funeral I focused on your teachings, not the poem. When I arrived at the church I had the tools necessary to be calm and stay confident that I could do this. My heart began to race just before I knew I had to walk to the front but I kept it all under control. In the past this would have floored me. Looking at the audience worked a treat and I would like to practice this in order to become more proficient.
As you said John, your course is a bit sneaky because it's not just about public speaking. It's about taking your place in the World. So on that note I will step forth and practice your exercises each day for as long as possible knowing I have a smart tool kit whenever I need it.
Many, many thanks John. I can't express my gratitude enough.
Wishing you good fortune and continued success with your courses.
In December 2023 Karl tells me about his wild year!
Hi John
It's been about 1 year 3 months since I did your course
I had gone on the course to gain more confidence with speaking in higher stress scenarios like seeking investment etc and to try and actually believe in myself more rather than being a quiet shamed working class lad!
And what a wild year it has been since!
- We have started our pre-seed round for our company and raised already £600k which is insane in this bizarre investment environment
- Have a warrant with a VC firm for £250k investment for seed round
- I lead the tech side of the company as CTO (I sound so American hahaha) and my best friend I have known for 10 years is the CEO
- Hired some incredible people already with more lined up next year
I have ended up in all sorts of weird and wonderful places
Pitching 4am totally wasted to investors on a hotel floor
Iceland practicing pitches to 6 different companies and founders
San Francisco talking to massive america investment groups while silicon valley banks were collapsing (lol)
I still do get the nervous moments but I have come on leaps and bounds from where I was a couple of years ago
Ready to take on the world and build something awesome
Thanks so much for your course. It was a hard course to do with some very interesting exercises but it proved very useful in breaking down some of the internal barriers and issues I had when it came to talking to people with wealth and power
Have a great xmas and new year
In November 2023 I get this note four years after his course
Hi John,
I really hope you are doing well. I attended your 2-day course in 2019.
At that time I generally tried to dodge any presentation. I let my colleagues present my work, and then watched them take credit for it. I had postponed myPhD for several years because I feared the public defence (and thought about the defence every day during my PhD).
When I had to do 15 minute presentations, I generally read from a script (but sometimes I just handed in a sick note the same day). I never asked public questions. I never spoke at funerals, weddings etc. Participating in any kind of unprepared public discussion was just sci fi. No one really knew what I was doing, because it simply was not public. My only output was scientific articles. I really felt that my scientific career was killed by this behaviour, and I felt extremely stupid about it.
Your approach to taking your place in the world without apologizing for it, really changed a lot for me. To understand that an appearance does not need to be perfect. And that by just accepting that, you can start taking your place.
It has been quite a journey, but I really wanted to share with you that yesterday I participated in an open public debate on TV. It was a 6 person panel and lasted one hour. It was on the main political debate program for my country . It was in the hall in a 650 person auditorium and was recorded for TV and streamed online. Among the other participants in the panel were the the minister of culture and the former minister.
By following your advice, I try not to rate myself. And I try not to care whether it was perfect or not. But both family and colleagues are giving a lot of positive feedback. And I feel extremely good about being able to do it.
I just wanted to give you a truly heartfelt: Thank you!
Dear John,
I just wanted to let you know how I'm getting on..
I want to thank you for giving me a boost and teaching me to just chill out and not care so much what people think... I have been much more relaxed in meetings, more natural and myself in both professional and social situations . Although I still get the internal advisor and the rumination after meetings , I am contributing more and not caring as much as I used to.. In fact it doesn't really matter at all what people think.
Thanks again, John. You're changing so many lives for the better.
all the best
Hi John!
I hope you're doing well.
It's been what...7 months or so since the course and let me tell you my life has a taken a serious turn upwards. Since the course...
Promoted 4 months in to the new job
Lead meetings, projects, discussions. Used a lot of the things we learnt on the course; long pauses, "thanks brain" (done this a hell of a lot), used to boring faces, etc...
Brand ambassador
We've begun re-branding at work; it's sort of needed as we sell product A but we're under the bigger group name which sells product B in existing markets. But anyway, 5 of us are leading the project and the head asked me to take part and be an ambassador! Why, no idea. But I took it.
At the end of last month all 5 of us did an hour presentation to the whole factory and then broke out to do a workshop of 2 hours. I spoke a lot, presented a lot...and it was fun! Stupidly fun.
I couldn't imagine myself doing any of this until I rolled the dice and met you on a freezing Friday morning. I cannot thank you enough John.
I'll keep you posted how I get on.
Best regards,
July 2023
June 2023
February 2023
Sometimes simple letters make me tear up…
Dear John,
Just to let you know that my son who came on your course and had been unsuccessful at interviews and was unemployed 2 years after leaving university, has now got a graduate job in London after his first interview since your course. Thank you for your work.
Best wishes,
She didn’t get the job but her presentation was “brilliant”
Dear John,
I wanted to give you an update from a positive experience that happened to me. I had a two day interview for an important teaching job last week. They told us in advance, that if we were selected after the first day, there would be a presentation to deliver on the second day (as well as some other activities) and gave us the topic. I only briefly made notes as I had so much to prepare for the first day.
As I drove home after the first day, they called me and told me that I had to be in at 8am the next day, so I only had a few hours to prepare that evening. It was for 7 mins with no electronics allowed, just me and few notes. I tried not to over prepare but did go through it several times and kept over thinking about the delivery. However I kept in my mind 'its just a conversation', which really helped. The next day, I presented it very clearly, in a more conversational way and kept eye contact like we practised.
I did not get the job, however in the feedback the headteacher said that my presentation was brilliant and not to change anything about it all. This was as good as getting the job itself and I realise how confident I feel now after taking part in the course. It has made a real difference and I am really grateful for the experience.
Best wishes,
Chris sends an update about what’s happened since the course. Notice it’s not just about the wedding but about the job as well
Hi John,
I hope you are well. I just wanted to get in touch with you to say thanks again for a incredibly useful course.
Since I last mailed, I gave a best man’s speech at my friend’s wedding in front of about 60 or 70 people, it went very well with laughs and compliments as a result. The tools you taught us were extremely useful in the run up to the speech and during: not over thinking, breathing, slowing down and taking pauses (this was key to ensure the jokes landed), assuming support and also knowing that a lot of people were thinking to themselves ‘How can he get up there and do that?’.
It was empowering and I have since become much more visible in my job and am receiving more praise and opportunities as a result.
So a huge thank you again!
Jen writes a lovely note 8 years later
Just a note, John, to say I did your course in 2015, and spurred on by you, joined Toastmasters. Your course was a pivotal moment, life changing even. 8 years on I’m a senior leader in a school, speaking to large (bored looking!) audiences all the time. You have me confidence to go for promotion and not hide anymore.
Thanks, again, so much.
Keep up the amazing work
Natalie, who works in aviation, writes to me a few weeks after her course
Hi John,
Just wanted to send you an email to let you know I did my first “presentation” today 😄
I was asked to speak in front of the new cabin crew who are studying their diploma at the college in my town. I ended up speaking for almost an hour and although I felt nervous before, I really enjoyed it! I kept in mind everything you taught me on your course and it helped so much. Never thought I’d be able to present for that long and actually enjoy it.
Thank you again for everything you taught me, I am so grateful!
Best wishes,
December 2022
November 2022
October 2022
July 2022
telling us a story a month after the course
Hi John,
I just wanted to message you to share how proud I am of myself today! I went to the story slam event as our tutor wanted us to go and watch as were are doing a storytelling module in college at the moment.
We watched the first half which was great listening to peoples stories and in the break I told my tutor and fellow students a story and they all said go and tell it! I said no way! I wasn’t intending on doing anything but watching others tell their stories.
Anyway I headed to the toilet and as I was on my way you came into my head and you said…go on challenge yourself..what are your actions of confidence..and so I went back in and thought f**** it i’m going to do it!! So I put my name in the hat and it got picked out!
So I assumed support and put all your amazing tools into action and went for it!! I can’t believe I did it and there’s absolutely no way I would have ever entertained it before your course. So thank you.. thank you for everything you taught me. It went well..I got through it and I got some laughs. I did start to go down the dark road when I finished..what I forgot to say, what I should have said differently etc but I had a strong word with myself, said 'thanks brain' and patted myself on the back and am now so proud of myself for giving it a go! Yey! I am so please with myself for stepping up to the challenge.
Anyway thanks again for all you have taught me..its been so good to put it into action!
Best wishes,
four months on since her course
Hi John,
Wanted to let you know I spoke at an event I was working for at Louis Vuitton in Barcelona last Friday. Even did two talks in spanish. Never imagined I would have been able to do something like that ever in my life, so thank you so so much for the course, it really has helped me so much and will help me progress in my career. I also quit smoking the day after the course, interesting and random side effect!
Anyway, very worthwhile course, thanks a million.
6 months on Rachel writes about saying yes!
Having attended the Bristol course in April 2022, it's now six months on, and I find myself empowered for the first time in decades, able to finally say "yes" to speaking opportunities, without that sickening feeling of terror and panic I used to have.
By tackling my biggest fear, I am on a path of continuous growth, and this has brought confidence into my everyday life as well: simply put, I just feel better about myself, and can trust in my capabilities again. It's such a good feeling, thank you, John!
Hi John
I thought I would provide you with an update 6 months on. Again, I want to say a huge thank you for the course.
So far:
I have taken my first solo trip abroad
Spoke at an internal public event
Organised two summer socials for my team.
Been able to hit various goals at work.
Dined alone at various restaurants.
Had conversations with strangers which has led me to learn a different language.
Most importantly I am comfortable with being seen, which has affected my confidence and life in so many different ways.
I am sure this is just the start.
Jan 2022
November 21
Feb 2020
October 2019
September 2019
Quick replies
From someone who didn’t want to do public speaking at all. Here is Hannah's feedback.
I took this course with absolutely no intention or need to engage in any (terrifying) act of public speaking and it turned out to be one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. As a long-time sufferer of social anxiety disorder, my graduation from university was not met with excitement, but pure dread at the prospect of having to face an unknown quantity of job interviews as I attempted to move into the next stage of my life.
I went along with very little expectations as to what the course would entail and to my delight, found it to be the perfect approach to addressing not just the symptoms, but the underlying causes of social phobia. At the end of two days I was happily standing and talking in front of an audience armed with some simple and highly effective techniques, but more importantly, I had developed a much deeper understanding of the fears that had been holding me back in the first place.
In the following week I went along to a big interview for a dream job. Using the lessons John had shared with us, I approached it without the usual days of dread and answered every question calmly and with confidence. Believe it or not – I actually enjoyed the process and the following week discovered the job was mine!
A week after a course I get a lovely short email
Just bought a homeless man a cup of coffee and a croissant. It felt good and I hope he thought there are some nice people in the world. Not sure I would have gone back and asked him if I hadn’t of done your course.
Kind regards,
(On the course I encourage people to do small steps in practising confidence as way of building trust in yourself -JD)
Hi John,
During the training I shared that some of my seniors at work wanted me to present to the whole company (500+ people) and I'd been saying no for 2 years. I'm very proud to say I DID IT. It went really went and was less scary / stressful than I thought it would be and that is partly due to your course so THANK YOU.
Kind Regards,
I did your 2 day course in Manchester in 2016. I broke down in my car on the way home following that life changing weekend! It felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders! Since then I have gone from strength to strength. I changed careers (sold my letting agency business) and am now a freelance climbing and mountaineering instructor. A couple of months ago, I found myself talking with total confidence in front of around 40 Army recruits. My job involves teaching, instructing and public speaking on a regular basis, none of which I would have been able to do, if not for you! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I have found my voice in the world and have never been happier!
All the best
Having been on a course many years ago Grant writes a note when he heard I was 60 in September 2019
Hi John
I came on one of your Bristol courses many years ago. Actually I think I came back a second time for a re-fresh because I found it so beneficial and hugely supportive in rebuilding my confidence in public speaking after spending almost my whole life previously hiding from deep rooted (and now unfounded) fears.
I felt compelled to write to you to say thank you for all you have done for me in my work life and around it, and also for the other people you have helped.
I now regularly give presentations to offices with over 150 present, or speak freely and without preparation or fear in front of 30 or more people - just being at peace with myself. It’s truly an amazing gift to feel that way. Fearless and confident in front of the eyes of everyone. But also really great because I see others with the same issues I have complete empathy and understanding - no judgement.
Thanks again - I do hope you enjoy the rest of your career and a long, peaceful and happy retirement (not for a long while yet JD!). It’s not often we get to say that to people nowadays, but you are very someone who has had an impact on this world/life, and definitely for the better.
Best regards
From someone who wasn’t a Yoga teacher...
Just wanted to drop you a line to let you know that since doing your course a couple of years ago, I've now become a yoga teacher! At the time it seemed like an impossible dream, as I hated speaking in front of others so much
From a deputy head who hadn't got appointed to a headship after a number of interviews...
You should know that I am going to be a Head! Thank you so much.
From a small business person who needed investors...
It was the best presentation I have ever done and voted best pitch of the night. I have 17 interested parties and have been invited to speak at another event on Tuesday, Google House (50 investors).
From someone who hated speaking up at meetings...
Today at work, we did the weekly go round the table and tell us about your weekend. Previously I dreaded this but today I totally held my own, not only was I not feeling anxious about it but I actually enjoyed taking my moment to talk. People asked me questions and I felt like I had clarity when responding, be calm and to look people in the eye! I was putting into practice what I learnt and I came out of that meeting feeling great.
From a school governor who hated public speaking...
Last week, I had to speak to a secondary school hall full of staff and students to give out awards. Afterwards a teacher spoke to me and said I was a really natural speaker!!
From a doctor who had struggled at a previous interview...
I had the interview today, and have just been offered the job! Since the course I have been able to feel as though "I am enough" which has really been helping me prepare for it and in the interview itself.
From a PE teacher who didn’t like school assemblies at all...
delivered my speech at our academy awards yesterday, in front of around 1400 people including students, staff, and important people in our organisation. I was faced with a number of unexpected challenges, such as presenting from up on a raised stage, with a microphone and the VIP guests seated about a metre behind where I stood. I smashed it!
May 2019
May 2019
Three years after the course, Darren tells of his changes how he feels about public speaking and even enjoys it!…
Dear John,
If you remember I joined one of your courses in Manchester in around 2016. OMG - I cannot recognise myself. Confidence, stage presence, timing, pausing, eye contact the lot!! I even just enjoy being ‘in the space’ feeling relaxed. I presented yesterday for instance and the feedback I got was amazing - little old me! Some of the benefits of being on the course just keep developing (subconsciously) I think.
Anyway, just a quick email to say thank you and I know that you know that what you’re doing to help people is SO worthwhile.
Best wishes,
Two years later, Joe tells of his significant changes made to his life since the course and his continued practice with public speaking
Dear John,
Just thought I’d drop you a line and say hello. I attended your weekend course in March 2018 at Regent’s Park in London. Since then I have been working on my speaking confidence regularly. In September 2018, I gave two guided tours to groups of 20 people around the British Academy’s historic building on Carlton House Terrace. I have made massive progress when attending parties and social events, I don’t rush (I take jacuzzi pauses!) and no longer suffer from that intense feeling of being judged. I also now take part in ‘stand-up’ meetings every Monday morning at work, where we stand up and tell the office what we’re up to and how things are going. This was difficult at first and I still have wobbles but every week I learn something about the process and I put into practice the things I learned on your course.
I have also made two other big changes in my life, which your students might find interesting.
I’ve quit drinking. This has helped my anxiety enormously. It has given me balance and cleared the way for me to work on other issues. It has also improved my sleep by about 500%, which has its own benefits.
I’m trying to cultivate a growth mindset, after reading Carol Dweck’s book about mindsets and the benefits of having a growth mindset. You’ve probably read it but if not, I highly recommend it. There are so many lessons, and so much research in the book, that chime with the things you taught us on our course.
I’m eternally grateful to you for the work you did over that weekend nearly two years ago. The work you do is invaluable. So, thanks again!
All the best,
How did the wedding go… amongst other things
Hi John,
Hope you are well. I have just done a speech at my wedding as Groom. It went so well and was basically a conversation with 100 people.
Which is crazy to say, i could barely do 10 on the course. I was even able to adapt when my Wife's dad said the same thing as me.
I also did a presentation at work before this but after the course, it was miles better than before the course, i was relaxed and in the moment . After i did it, i realised what a difficult environment it was, people butting in, others asking questions which are covered at the end. This was a proud moment for me as i realised how far i had come. I think this was down to the practice we did the whole weekend but especially the quick fire rounds toward the end. For me these made me realise that the content is less important generally.
Anyway, I wanted to say thanks for everything. Not just the speaking practice but I think more fundamentally the whole fear response stuff helped massively, i think i am genuinely happier because of this. i now think of the fear response as having a mate who is always saying how shit you are. Eventually you stop hanging around with them.
Thanks Again.
At the age of 62, Liz starts a new career
You mentioned a quote about what people at different ages thought about speaking in front of groups and although I don't remember the detail it made a big impact on me, at 62, that when over 60 years, what have you got to lose, just do it!
Anyway to cut a long story short I have taken the plunge and trained as a Nordic Walking instructor and last weekend led my first group walk of 7 people with me talking them through warm up exercises and 'being in charge', in all, very much 'being seen!' I LOVED IT!
All the best with the very unique and special way you are helping people to shine.
a different Liz changes how she feels about herself in the world...
Since the course I have run a meeting for 80 people. I did it without throwing up before hand, shaking or losing my way- I even got a round of applause! The following week I then had to be quizzed and questioned by 16 people, specialists in their field about something I do- I had a little wobble at the start - I interpreted the blank face as: "You are rubbish!" However, I talked to myself saying blank face- didn't seek approval from a friendly face and just got on with it. I even had the courage to stand up for my opinion when questioned deeper.
I am no longer seeking perfection or after approval. I am just slowly being comfortable owning the space, for me this is a revelation!
Thank you John, I really do think I have a different attitude.
Primary school teacher
A third Liz, writes about running a workshop and speaking off-the-cuff
Dear John,
Last night I ran a full 3 hour workshop. I had a structure of activities, but the presentation and public speaking was sole off the was exhilarating and I never thought I would be able to do this.
People really enjoyed this!
Thanks again,
Kind regards,
May 2018
June 2018
October 2017
March 2017
8 months after a course Katy writes to me
Hi John,
Just wanted to let you know I have now completed more presentations and public speaking events than I ever imagined possible namely a whole team event where I presented to 40 people and most recently at my friends wedding as his best woman. What an honour.
I still can’t thank you enough for making this possible for me.
Wishing you well.
Kind Regards
Sam sends me a letter two years after the course
Hi John,
I just wanted to touch base with you as I attended one of your 2 day courses in Manchester a couple of years ago.
In the days following the course I remember being quite buoyant about public speaking largely from the practice sessions on the course. Whilst I still get nervous when faced with public speaking, I now have the confidence to not actively shy away from it.
For me an even bigger thing that I learnt from your course was the concept of being 'comfortable in your own storm' and being happy with being 'good enough', whereas, before I can see it was my fear of failure and not being perfect that held me back from doing things.
Some things I have embraced in the past couple of years include being a junior rugby coach, a Cub Scout leader and I have provided several training courses within my company to both finance and non finance people (I am an accountant by trade). I generally feel I am living life to its full potential now, whereas, in the past it felt there was always something holding me back.
I just wanted to let you know that it's great work that you are doing and I, like many others am extremely grateful to you and your teachings.
Best Regards
Another letter two years after a course from Jenny
Hi John,
I came on your London course over 2 years ago now and have been a committed member of Toastmasters ever since (on your recommendation). I feel free in a way that I never thought I would; I’ve delivered assemblies comfortably several times to 300 people- including all of the staff and have delivered staff presentations and done a leaving speech for a colleague. My fear is not an issue any more; I feel I can go for promotion to senior management in my school, and this is all because I did your course.
Thank you John.
Best regards,
How conferences changed for a doctor...
Hi John,
I am on the train home after presenting at the first of the three conferences that I have been talked into presenting at and today was a very different experience from my previous conference appearance for which I need to thank you. There was no shakey voice, no sweaty back. I anticipated and accepted the blank faces, I assumed support and accepted the adrenaline surge that came. It was not fun, but it was not the unpleasant stress ridden ordeals of my previous conference appearances. I have been reassuring myself that the adrenaline surge is normal and it can be reframed (like the athletes). I have reminded myself that there are other occasions I can function when I have adrenaline coursing through me, like running a trauma call.
Your course was the best investment of time and money I have made in my education/development in a very long time.
Thank you again
Best wishes
Sarah an emergency doctor
Global music record label...
Since doing the course, I left my job and became director and head of a new record label. My confidence in the interview process, was undoubtedly due to the course and your teachings. Within a few weeks of joining I had to present to the entire company of 300 people at the Christmas meeting with the other heads of divisions. I did as I had been taught and merely gave my story and my ambitions to the company with no notes and no graphs or figures and only a small glass of wine. I am told it was the most charismatic of all the presentations and my reward was I now speak monthly to the global music company on video conference as well as present internally to the film and TV divisions. I still have moments that feel like eternity where I don’t know what to say but somehow after a pause the words always come. You know I think I enjoy it too…
It’s impacted on my leadership both in and out work and it’s fair to say has made me a better person.
I would love to work with you again and would be very interested in attending an advanced course if you were running one.
Thanks again,
Came second in a competition at his first visit to a public speaking club...
John, your email was a timely reminder and prompt, I'd committed to myself I would attend a speakers group to keep practicing my public speaking. Well, I went on Wednesday and thought I'd see what these are about, not really intending to speak though. Part way through the night they surprised me and asked me to speak for a couple of minutes about Xmas.
At the end of night there was a vote for the most entertaining speech, unbelievably I came second and won a bottle of Presecco!!! (the gentlemen who came first was 83 and been doing public speaking his entire career and now does it for the social element) I raced home to tell the Mrs, I don't think I've ever been as proud of one of my own achievements before
I would probably never have attended if it wasn't for you never mind being able to deliver a speech off the cuff that people enjoyed.
Thanks again and take care
Christine finds out that it's not too late.....
I was amazed to find that at times I was actually enjoying myself being the centre of attention - just being me! As I've been hiding the 'real me' my whole life and I'm now in my sixties, it is such a relief to know I can relax and enjoy showing my real self in social situations as well embarking on giving talks to groups about how it is never too late to change.
This quote by George Elliot sums it up for me ' It's never to late to be the person you were meant to be'.
So John, I can't thank you enough for helping me become that person I was meant to be!
May you long continue to help others in the same way!
Kevin turns Bournemouth green?
Hello John,
I had my "conversation" with 20 people at a local Chamber of Trade & Commerce meeting a week ago which seemed to go down well and would not have been possible at all without your valuable help and encouragement. At the meeting, as a result of my talk they decided to write to the local council urging them to take a more active role in promoting renewable energy technologies. This was a very nice and completely unexpected bonus.
The Bournemouth Echo have heard of my talk and interviewed me. They are writing an article about the likely future shortfall in electricity generation over the next few years, I look forward to seeing it.
I hope all is going well for you. Thank you again for all your help, it really has changed my life.
Very best wishes,
Author connects to readers better and gets great feedback
Dear John,
I wanted to write and let you know how I have been getting on with my public speaking, since your session in January.
You may not know but the beginning of March is a very busy time for authors as it is World Book Day, and so I had quite a few talks and events lined up around that. A few of which I was very nervous about.
This was the first batch of events I have done since your session, and there has been something like ten to fifteen talks over the whole month. To groups ranging in size from 30 to 200 students; and from 7 year olds to thirteen year olds. First of all, I have noticed a marked improvement in the state of my nerves before I do an event. I feel a lot less nervous in general, especially for the smaller talks, and sometimes I even feel excited, or look forward to it!
I find I feel very confident in handling the groups of 30-60 students. And I have started to feel comfortable making it more conversational when it feels it wants to go that way, rather than presentational. One of the teachers at one of those sessions was kind enough to tell me it was the best author presentation he had seen.
And when a class - like his was - is really engaged your techniques are so helpful for me in interacting with them. Even when they’re not so easy going or engaged at points, the techniques help me keep calm and collected in chatting with them.
Over the course of the month I have also had to do three events with over 100 students. Each time I do one, I feel I get better and more accustom to the situation, and more comfortable with it. So thank you.
And also the whole 'can’t be arsed school’ has been uber-useful to keep in mind on occasion. It can be very useful in schools where you have to go with the flow of the situation, and are sometimes not in control of all the variables of your event.
Thanks again for all the invaluable teaching in your session.
Best Wishes,
Feb 2018
June 2017
December 2016
July 2016
Getting customers from her business presentations...
Dear John,
I’m sure you’ve run many classes by now so I’m not sure how well you remember me but I thought I’d give you an update on how I’ve been doing since I took your course during the summer last year. I have now presented at some big conferences/seminars as part of my work, including in the UK, Germany, Czech Republic and the USA, as well as doing many, many internal presentations, and I have received a lot of positive feedback on them and even generated many interested customers for our technology.
My confidence in presenting has sky-rocketed and your course and support has been a huge contributing factor to that. So I would like to say a big thank you for helping me find the confidence/self-belief that I never knew I had in doing this thus allowing me to work and progress in what has turned out to be a dream job in Switzerland. My boss even said to me during my recent appraisal that he expected it to take me about a year to get comfortable with presenting... it took me about 4 attempts within a couple of months! So once again thank you so much and I wish you and your future students all the best.
Kind regards,
Moving from I can't to I can!
Just letting you know that I did the conference, and it went fine!
Also, after my talk to the department last week I have heard that I have been ASKED TO SPEAK (for a two hour presentation/ Q&A) to the entire department at our retreat in October, so success!
So I just want to say a MASSIVE THANK YOU to you for all your help and support, and for running your fantastic classes. I wouldn't have believed it a year ago that I could stand up and give a presentation, never mind actually being ok at them! (So yes, right now, I can say I really have changed the way I feel about public speaking). Even though I have a long way to go still, I now feel as though public speaking is no longer a barrier to me, which is so liberating!
All best,
Christine gets a lecturing job on a cruise!
Hi John,
It is now 18 months since I attended your course in Bristol.
Thought you might like to know that in September P&O invited me down to Southampton to audition for their Guest Speaker programme and it went far better than I could ever have hoped. They immediately offered me a 9 day slot on their ship “Arcadia” next March. I am SO excited.
This is to thank you for your course which boosted my confidence no end.
Sent with wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Phil gets married and it's life-changing!
Hi everyone,
I know I promised that I wouldn't mention my wedding again but...
We got married on Friday and it was an amazing day. The speech went really well - loads of people commented on how relaxed I looked! It's strange that I spent months dreading it but I actually quite enjoyed it in the end - it's all about mindset!
Anyway, if it wasn't for you lovely people and the course, there's no way I could have done it.
It's literally been life changing!
Thanks so much and good luck to you all for the future.
Best wishes
The father of the bride speaks
I attended your course in the autumn (I think) as I somewhat apprehensive about my forthcoming "father of the bride" speech.
Apart from it being an enjoyable day with people with similar interests and apprehensions, John slowly demonstrated that our common apprehensions were unwarranted.
Taking away these fears and showing that we should trust the audience was enlightening.
I've been small-scale public speaking in a business environment for decades, not at all well, but anxiously getting by.
My daughter's wedding presented an altogether different prospect though - the dreaded father of the bride speech!
It was obvious even to me that the speech was splendidly-well received, which was amazing given that I have no natural talent. I thank John for this, it was largely down to him."
Headteacher writes about the night before...
Good evening John
Your email is perfectly timed. I delivered the speech to 400 or so parents last night.
I'm so glad I came on the course- the two days made me re-think my approach and it was far better than I have done before.
With warm wishes and many thanks
Hayley gets a promotion
Hi John,
I came to your course at the beginning of the year, the one day in Bristol. During the last session I spoke about my mission to get a promotion and new job by the end of the year! Well, it worked and I have been successful in getting a new job, in a new organisation and a promotion. I had to do a 15 minute presentation in the interview and without your help at the beginning of the year, I don’t think I would have done it. I ‘out shone’ the other candidates I have been told. Since being successful, I am walking around with a new air of confidence, and can quite happily chat to an audience and also, say "No" sometimes.
Thanks John
Harry gets his degree...
Dear John,
Just wanted to let you know that I passed both of my presentations at university, thanks to you!
It means I’m now graduating with a 2:1, which I’m over the moon about.
Thank you for your help in the course. I don’t think I would’ve been so confident going in to the presentations without it, and I’m even more confident about them now which is great for the future.
Hope you’re well,
pre 2016…
two for the price of one
Hi John,
I've just received some very positive feedback from a presentation I gave on Friday at a national showcase of research. I can wholeheartedly attribute my confidence to the skills I learnt on your course:
Based on my recommendation, one of my colleagues also recently attended your 1 day course in London. She also recently presented at a (Medical) conference and told me that she found it much(!!!) easier than usual. She directly attributed this to attending your course!
I just wanted to let you know and thank you again for your help.
Very best wishes,
It was her first presentation...
Dear John,
I gave my presentation today. I spoke for an hour and a quarter!
My slides were quite robust, certainly enough to keep me on track. I looked into everybody's eyes, and looked for no clues. It is quite funny, as you observed, that there are few smile-and-nodders!
Mainly blank faces. I made them laugh a few times, and included a bit of interactive stuff.
To my great surprise I was not really nervous this morning, just a bit. And although I could definitely feel the pace and the push of the moment, I was not as flustered with it as I expected. Had a lot of slides and so did need to speak fast in places, but also consciously practiced The Pause.
The 1 day course I did with you in London really did change the way I feel about it all. Everyone was 'included': the yawners, the scribblers and the nodders! And I treated them all the same.
The assistant was surprised to hear it was my first presentation!
The workshop I took with you changed the way I think about the experience of standing up to speak, but most importantly I think it has changed the way I feel about it.
Thank you
Two months after a course, Sarah writes about how her speaking has changed
Hi John,
Just to let you know that several events have gone really well for me, since my training, and, shock horror, have been most enjoyable. Normally I would be nervous for both, but felt fine in advance (just excited really rather than nervous).
I introduced a speaker in front of 66 people on Monday. For once I didn’t rehearse the intro nor the post presentation chat. I didn’t even clutch a postcard with prompts!
Last month I also Chaired the AGM for our Division – with 24 in the meeting. In a private room of a restaurant everyone sat around a long L shaped table and I realised that to Chair the meeting with that many I wouldn’t be able to see them if I sat at our tables. So I ended up perching on a bar stool adjacent, from where I could see them and they see me, and it all went great – informal but engaging and all ad-libbed.
I also feel calm in large social events – not that I struggled socially in the past but just that I didn’t always feel I could readily find the moment to speak up in front of extrovert types.
So thank you. Even my husband (an accountant 😊) has commented that it was money well spent!
Hope all is good with you.
With kind regards,