bridge to confidence. Building trust for a confident future

My business details

The business trades under the name of Speaking Infront but the company is The Public Speaking Company Ltd.

It's nothing fancy - just me, John Dawson, as the company director. The company formed in 2015, but I’ve been trading for 24 years.

My Bank /Stripe accounts are all in the name of The Public Speaking Company Ltd

The business address: 9 Avondale Buildings, Bath, BA1 6RD

Telephone: 07730 550842

WhatsApp link:

VAT number: 212387330

Company reg number: 09507797

All courses come with a no quibble guarantee for any type of course place I offer
My full cancellation policy is here. In brief, you just need to give me 14 days clear notice that you want to cancel and you get your full monies returned.


I’m very happy to invoice your organisation if you want a course place. If it’s short notice, please check with me to see if there is a course place still available.You can also use my Whatsapp details above I will reserve your place and then invoice you once I have all the details below.

To invoice you, I will need

  • the course date and location (I run courses in Bristol, London and Manchester every month)

  • a purchase order (if your accounts department needs them

  • your address

  • who to send the invoice to

  • and anything else that you need on the invoice