Public Speaking Blog
Helping you rethink public speaking
What's the most powerful part of a presentation?
What’s the most powerful part of your presentation? It’s not your slides, it’s not your body language…..
how a train journey went very badly wrong…
We talk about fearlessness when we think of confidence. We need to re-think public speaking confidence as this awful train journey shows
Public Speaking Secret number one - audiences..
Why are audiences tricky to work with? We misunderstand what is happening when we are in the audience. Audiences have blank faces when they listen. They listen passively
Public Speaking: Focusing Too Much Makes It Harder
I work a lot with people who are anxious around public speaking. One thing is very clear that we think far too much about it. Especially if we are scared and anxious when we are the centre of attention. And guess what? The overthinking about public speaking does not help
The Public Speaking Confidence checklist
What exactly does it take for people to get confidence? Do we understand confidence in a useful way? What actions, beliefs and understandings do we need around confidence for public speaking?